During the last two decades, both experimental and computational approaches have been applied to identify and predict the proteins located on cell surface membranes, although each strategy has its own limitations leading to incomplete coverage and false positives. To overcome this problem and comprehensively define the human surfaceome in the genome, we integrated GESP candidates from nine independent resources, in which the cell surface proteins were identified or predicted by distinct strategies.

List of the GESPs in the human genome

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HGNC NameEnsembl Gene IDHGNC SymbolGenomic LocationCore GESP ScoreFinal GESP Score
solute carrier family 3 member 2ENSG00000168003SLC3A2chr11:62856102-62888875:+1425
epidermal growth factor receptorENSG00000146648EGFRchr7:55019021-55256620:+1525.5
solute carrier family 2 member 1ENSG00000117394SLC2A1chr1:42925375-42959173:-1423.5
CD44 molecule (Indian blood group)ENSG00000026508CD44chr11:35138870-35232402:+1524
cell adhesion molecule 1ENSG00000182985CADM1chr11:115169218-115504957:-1420
CD4 moleculeENSG00000010610CD4chr12:6786858-6820808:+1520.5
erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 3ENSG00000065361ERBB3chr12:56079857-56103505:+1519.5
erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2ENSG00000141736ERBB2chr17:39687914-39730426:+1520.5
mucolipin 1ENSG00000090674MCOLN1chr19:7522626-7534009:+1521.5
solute carrier family 1 member 5ENSG00000105281SLC1A5chr19:46774883-46788594:-1424.5
integrin subunit beta 2ENSG00000160255ITGB2chr21:44885953-44931989:-1521.5
protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type KENSG00000152894PTPRKchr6:127968779-128520674:-1419
aquaporin 1 (Colton blood group)ENSG00000240583AQP1chr7:30911855-30925516:+1521.5
sarcoglycan epsilonENSG00000127990SGCEchr7:94585230-94656209:-1520
TEK receptor tyrosine kinaseENSG00000120156TEKchr9:27109141-27230175:+1518
solute carrier family 9 member A1ENSG00000090020SLC9A1chr1:27098815-27166981:-1521.5
chloride channel accessory 2ENSG00000137975CLCA2chr1:86424086-86456558:+1516.5
major histocompatibility complex, class I-relatedENSG00000153029MR1chr1:181033425-181061938:+1517.5
integrin subunit beta 1ENSG00000150093ITGB1chr10:32900319-33005792:-1523.5
ret proto-oncogeneENSG00000165731RETchr10:43077027-43130351:+1518.5

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