During the last two decades, both experimental and computational approaches have been applied to identify and predict the proteins located on cell surface membranes, although each strategy has its own limitations leading to incomplete coverage and false positives. To overcome this problem and comprehensively define the human surfaceome in the genome, we integrated GESP candidates from nine independent resources, in which the cell surface proteins were identified or predicted by distinct strategies.

List of the GESPs in the human genome

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HGNC NameEnsembl Gene IDHGNC SymbolGenomic LocationCore GESP ScoreFinal GESP Score
natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 3ENSG00000204475NCR3chr6:31588895-31592985:-910
peptidase inhibitor 16ENSG00000164530PI16chr6:36948263-36964837:+912.5
transmembrane protein 63BENSG00000137216TMEM63Bchr6:44126914-44155519:+1014
solute carrier family 22 member 16ENSG00000004809SLC22A16chr6:110424687-110476641:-911.5
major facilitator superfamily domain containing 4BENSG00000173214KIAA1919chr6:111259348-111271167:+911.5
LDL receptor related protein 11ENSG00000120256LRP11chr6:149818798-149864026:-910.5
solute carrier family 12 member 9ENSG00000146828SLC12A9chr7:100826820-100867009:+914.5
solute carrier family 26 member 5ENSG00000170615SLC26A5chr7:103352730-103446177:-1011.5
tetraspanin 33ENSG00000158457TSPAN33chr7:129144892-129169697:+1013.5
aquaporin 3 (Gill blood group)ENSG00000165272AQP3chr9:33441154-33447611:-910.5
ciliary neurotrophic factor receptorENSG00000122756CNTFRchr9:34551432-34590140:-1011
solute carrier family 44 member 1ENSG00000070214SLC44A1chr9:105244622-105439171:+917.5
sushi domain containing 1ENSG00000106868SUSD1chr9:112040785-112175408:-912.5
glycoprotein M6BENSG00000046653GPM6BchrX:13771031-13938638:-1012.5
plexin B3ENSG00000198753PLXNB3chrX:153764196-153779346:+1012
neuronal growth regulator 1ENSG00000172260NEGR1chr1:71395940-72282734:-916
leucine rich repeat containing 8 VRAC subunit CENSG00000171488LRRC8Cchr1:89633072-89769903:+916.5
tetraspanin 8ENSG00000127324TSPAN8chr12:71125085-71441898:-1014.5
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1ENSG00000033627ATP6V0A1chr17:42458844-42522611:+1015.5
mast cell expressed membrane protein 1ENSG00000183019MCEMP1chr19:7676628-7679826:+913.5

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