During the last two decades, both experimental and computational approaches have been applied to identify and predict the proteins located on cell surface membranes, although each strategy has its own limitations leading to incomplete coverage and false positives. To overcome this problem and comprehensively define the human surfaceome in the genome, we integrated GESP candidates from nine independent resources, in which the cell surface proteins were identified or predicted by distinct strategies.

List of the GESPs in the human genome

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HGNC NameEnsembl Gene IDHGNC SymbolGenomic LocationCore GESP ScoreFinal GESP Score
killer cell lectin like receptor G1ENSG00000139187KLRG1chr12:8950044-9010760:+910.5
C-type lectin domain family 2 member DENSG00000069493CLEC2Dchr12:9664969-9699555:+912.5
solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2ENSG00000084453SLCO1A2chr12:21264600-21419594:-1011.5
solute carrier family 38 member 1ENSG00000111371SLC38A1chr12:46183063-46270017:-1015
stabilin 2ENSG00000136011STAB2chr12:103587273-103766727:+911.5
gap junction protein beta 6ENSG00000121742GJB6chr13:20221971-20232395:-1011.5
protocadherin 20ENSG00000280165PCDH20chr13:61409685-61415522:-1011.5
protocadherin 9ENSG00000184226PCDH9chr13:66302834-67230445:-1013.5
carbonic anhydrase 12ENSG00000074410CA12chr15:63321378-63382161:-913.5
immunoglobulin superfamily DCC subclass member 4ENSG00000103742IGDCC4chr15:65381464-65423072:-911.5
cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 5 subunitENSG00000169684CHRNA5chr15:78565520-78595269:+1011.5
sodium channel epithelial 1 subunit gammaENSG00000166828SCNN1Gchr16:23182715-23216883:+910.5
seizure related 6 homolog like 2ENSG00000174938SEZ6L2chr16:29871159-29899547:-913.5
C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 16ENSG00000161921CXCL16chr17:4733526-4739922:-911.5
mannose receptor C type 2ENSG00000011028MRC2chr17:62627401-62693597:+918
APC down-regulated 1ENSG00000154856APCDD1chr18:10454628-10489948:+910.5
CD226 moleculeENSG00000150637CD226chr18:69831158-69961803:-1013.5
intercellular adhesion molecule 5ENSG00000105376ICAM5chr19:10289981-10296778:+1015.5
AXL receptor tyrosine kinaseENSG00000167601AXLchr19:41219203-41261766:+1016.5

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