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      Official symbol:  SCAMP4
      Full name:  secretory carrier membrane protein 4
      Location:  19p13.3
      Also known as:  FLJ33847
      Entrez ID:  113178
      Ensembl ID:  ENSG00000227500
      Summary:  Secretory carrier membrane proteins (SCAMPs) are widely distributed integral membrane proteins implicated in membrane trafficking. Most SCAMPs (e.g., SCAMP1; MIM 606911) have N-terminal cytoplasmic NPF (arg-pro-phe) repeats, 4 central transmembrane regions, and a short C-terminal cytoplasmic tail. These SCAMPs likely have a role in endocytosis that is mediated by their NPF repeats. Other SCAMPs, such as SCAMP4, lack the NPF repeats and are therefore unlikely to function in endocytosis (summary by Fernandez-Chacon and Sudhof, 2000 [PubMed 11050114]).[supplied by OMIM, Feb 2011]


  Overall distribution
  Tissue specific distribution

  Overall distribution
  Tissue specific distribution
Gscore (Amp):  0.00  
Gscore (Del):  0.94  (Driver)
Recurrently deleted in 2 cancer type(s)

  Overall distribution
  Tissue specific distribution
Mscore:  0.00  

  Tissue specific
Total fusion occurrence:  3  
Fusions detected in 3 cancer type(s)

  Tissue specific

      Functional class:  Not specified
      JensenLab PubMed score:  2.27  (Percentile rank: 17.86%)
      PubTator score:  1.00  (Percentile rank: 11.43%)
      Target development/druggability level:  TdarkThese are targets about which virtually nothing is known. They do not have known drug or small molecule activities that satisfy the activity thresholds detailed below AND satisfy two or more of the following criteria: 1) A PubMed text-mining score from Jensen Lab < 5; 2) <= 3 Gene RIFs; 3) <= 50 Antibodies available according to
      Tractability (small molecule):  NA
      Tractability (antibody):  NA


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