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      Official symbol:  MPL
      Full name:  MPL proto-oncogene, thrombopoietin receptor
      Location:  1p34.2
      Also known as:  TPOR, CD110
      Entrez ID:  4352
      Ensembl ID:  ENSG00000117400
      Summary:  In 1990 an oncogene, v-mpl, was identified from the murine myeloproliferative leukemia virus that was capable of immortalizing bone marrow hematopoietic cells from different lineages. In 1992 the human homologue, named, c-mpl, was cloned. Sequence data revealed that c-mpl encoded a protein that was homologous with members of the hematopoietic receptor superfamily. Presence of anti-sense oligodeoxynucleotides of c-mpl inhibited megakaryocyte colony formation. The ligand for c-mpl, thrombopoietin, was cloned in 1994. Thrombopoietin was shown to be the major regulator of megakaryocytopoiesis and platelet formation. The protein encoded by the c-mpl gene, CD110, is a 635 amino acid transmembrane domain, with two extracellular cytokine receptor domains and two intracellular cytokine receptor box motifs . TPO-R deficient mice were severely thrombocytopenic, emphasizing the important role of CD110 and thrombopoietin in megakaryocyte and platelet formation. Upon binding of thrombopoietin CD110 is dimerized and the JAK family of non-receptor tyrosine kinases, as well as the STAT family, the MAPK family, the adaptor protein Shc and the receptors themselves become tyrosine phosphorylated. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]


  Overall distribution
  Tissue specific distribution
Expression restricted in 1 cancer type(s)

  Overall distribution
  Tissue specific distribution
Gscore (Amp):  0.00  
Gscore (Del):  0.00  

  Overall distribution
  Tissue specific distribution
Mscore:  0.00  

  Tissue specific
Total fusion occurrence:  1  
Fusions detected in 1 cancer type(s)

  Tissue specific

      Functional class:  Not specified
      JensenLab PubMed score:  582.03  (Percentile rank: 91.96%)
      PubTator score:  602.96  (Percentile rank: 94.40%)
      Target development/druggability level:  TclinThese targets have activities in DrugCentral (ie. approved drugs) with known mechanism of action.
      Tractability (small molecule):  Clinical PrecedenceTargets with drugs in phase II or above; Pre-clinical targets
      Tractability (antibody):  Predicted Tractable - High confidenceTargets located in the plasma membrane; Targets with GO cell component terms plasma membrane or secreted


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