During the last two decades, both experimental and computational approaches have been applied to identify and predict the proteins located on cell surface membranes, although each strategy has its own limitations leading to incomplete coverage and false positives. To overcome this problem and comprehensively define the human surfaceome in the genome, we integrated GESP candidates from nine independent resources, in which the cell surface proteins were identified or predicted by distinct strategies.

List of the GESPs in the human genome

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HGNC NameEnsembl Gene IDHGNC SymbolGenomic LocationCore GESP ScoreFinal GESP Score
interleukin 23 receptorENSG00000162594IL23Rchr1:67166400-67259979:+911.5
chloride channel accessory 4ENSG00000016602CLCA4chr1:86547078-86580754:+910.5
endosome-lysosome associated apoptosis and autophagy regulator 1ENSG00000116299KIAA1324chr1:109113679-109206781:+810.5
Fc fragment of IgG receptor IbENSG00000198019FCGR1Bchr1:121087345-121096310:+810.5
semaphorin 4AENSG00000196189SEMA4Achr1:156147366-156177752:+913.5
nectin cell adhesion molecule 4ENSG00000143217PVRL4chr1:161070995-161089599:-911.5
cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 2ENSG00000148842CNNM2chr10:102918293-103090221:+812
ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 8ENSG00000006071ABCC8chr11:17392885-17476845:-811.5
low density lipoprotein receptor class A domain containing 3ENSG00000179241LDLRAD3chr11:35943981-36232136:+810.5
folate hydrolase 1ENSG00000086205FOLH1chr11:49146635-49208670:-89.5
leucine rich repeat containing 32ENSG00000137507LRRC32chr11:76657524-76670747:-811.5
transmembrane protein 25ENSG00000149582TMEM25chr11:118531041-118547280:+89.5
calsyntenin 3ENSG00000139182CLSTN3chr12:7129698-7158945:+912.5
CD163 molecule like 1ENSG00000177675CD163L1chr12:7346685-7479897:-910.5
guanylate cyclase 2CENSG00000070019GUCY2Cchr12:14612632-14696585:-89.5
solute carrier family 16 member 7ENSG00000118596SLC16A7chr12:59596067-59789855:+916.5
matrix metallopeptidase 14ENSG00000157227MMP14chr14:22836557-22849027:+814.5
cadherin 24ENSG00000139880CDH24chr14:23047062-23057538:-910.5
claudin 9ENSG00000213937CLDN9chr16:3012456-3014505:+910.5
glycoprotein Ib platelet subunit alphaENSG00000185245GP1BAchr17:4932297-4935030:+910.5

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