During the last two decades, both experimental and computational approaches have been applied to identify and predict the proteins located on cell surface membranes, although each strategy has its own limitations leading to incomplete coverage and false positives. To overcome this problem and comprehensively define the human surfaceome in the genome, we integrated GESP candidates from nine independent resources, in which the cell surface proteins were identified or predicted by distinct strategies.

List of the GESPs in the human genome

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HGNC NameEnsembl Gene IDHGNC SymbolGenomic LocationCore GESP ScoreFinal GESP Score
Lck interacting transmembrane adaptor 1ENSG00000203896LIME1chr20:63736283-63739103:+45.5
potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 8ENSG00000183960KCNH8chr3:19148454-19535646:+46.5
solute carrier family 38 member 3ENSG00000188338SLC38A3chr3:50205246-50221486:+45.5
solute carrier family 35 member A5ENSG00000138459SLC35A5chr3:112561709-112585577:+45.5
popeye domain containing 2ENSG00000121577POPDC2chr3:119636457-119665324:-45.5
microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2ENSG00000085871MGST2chr4:139665768-139740745:+47.5
solute carrier family 30 member 5ENSG00000145740SLC30A5chr5:69093646-69131069:+46.5
potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily N member 2ENSG00000080709KCNN2chr5:114360945-114496500:+45.5
gap junction protein alpha 10ENSG00000135355GJA10chr6:89894469-89896120:+45.5
tumor suppressor candidate 3ENSG00000104723TUSC3chr8:15417215-15766649:+46.5
phospholipid phosphatase 5ENSG00000147535PPAPDC1Bchr8:38263130-38269243:-45.5
potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily S member 2ENSG00000156486KCNS2chr8:98427022-98432848:+45.5
solute carrier family 30 member 8ENSG00000164756SLC30A8chr8:116950273-117176714:+45.5
phospholipid phosphatase related 1ENSG00000148123RP11-35N6.1chr9:101028709-101325135:+45.5
myomaker, myoblast fusion factorENSG00000187616TMEM8Cchr9:133514586-133528612:-45.5
membrane magnesium transporter 1ENSG00000169446MMGT1chrX:135962070-135974063:-47.5
B cell receptor associated protein 31ENSG00000185825BCAP31chrX:153700497-153724697:-411.5
solute carrier family 30 member 2ENSG00000158014SLC30A2chr1:26037252-26046133:-45.5
ceramide synthase 2ENSG00000143418CERS2chr1:150960583-150975004:-49.5
odr-4 GPCR localization factor homologENSG00000157181C1orf27chr1:186375758-186421378:+47.5

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