Copy Number


The putative cancer-associated GESPs driven by SCNAs in each cancer type were identified by four criteria: 1) located in a peak region of a significantly recurrent focal SNCA locus estimated by the genomic identification of significant targets in cancer (GISTIC2) algorithm, (q≤0.25); 2) altered with high frequency and large amplitude (G-score ≥0.1); 3) mRNA reliably detected in at least 10% of tumor specimens in the given cancer type (90th percentile of FPKM value ≥1); and 4) mRNA significantly and positively correlated with copy numbers (Pearson P-value less than 0.001).


Pan-cancer level overall G-score of GESPs that recurrently gained or lost copy number in at least one cancer types

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Overall_Gscore No. of Cancer Types
 HGNC Name  Ensembl Gene ID  HGNC Symbol  Genomic Location  Amplification  Deletion  Amplification  Deletion 
proton activated chloride channel 1ENSG00000065600TMEM206chr1:212363931-212414901:-  0    0.17    0    1  
calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 DENSG00000157388CACNA1Dchr3:53494656-53813733:+  0    0.16    0    1  
lymphocyte specific protein 1ENSG00000130592LSP1chr11:1852970-1892267:+  0    0.16    0    1  
solute carrier family 22 member 18ENSG00000110628SLC22A18chr11:2899721-2925246:+  0    0.16    0    1  
CD68 moleculeENSG00000129226CD68chr17:7579467-7582113:+  0    0.16    0    1  
cyclase associated actin cytoskeleton regulatory protein 2ENSG00000112186CAP2chr6:17393216-17557792:+  0    0.16    0    1  
family with sequence similarity 234 member BENSG00000084444KIAA1467chr12:13044284-13142521:+  0    0.16    0    1  
TNF superfamily member 12ENSG00000239697TNFSF12chr17:7548891-7557890:+  0    0.16    0    1  
potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 2ENSG00000082482KCNK2chr1:215005775-215237093:+  0    0.16    0    1  
ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 9ENSG00000150967ABCB9chr12:122920951-122981649:-  0    0.16    0    1  
golgi membrane protein 1ENSG00000135052GOLM1chr9:86026146-86100173:-  0    0.15    0    1  
G protein subunit alpha qENSG00000156052GNAQchr9:77716087-78031458:-  0    0.15    0    1  
neuroligin 2ENSG00000169992NLGN2chr17:7404874-7419860:+  0    0.15    0    1  
cholinergic receptor nicotinic beta 1 subunitENSG00000170175CHRNB1chr17:7445061-7457707:+  0    0.15    0    1  
phospholipid scramblase 3ENSG00000187838TMEM256-PLSCR3chr17:7389727-7394843:-  0    0.15    0    1  
gap junction protein alpha 1ENSG00000152661GJA1chr6:121435692-121449727:+  0    0.15    0    1  
solute carrier family 31 member 1ENSG00000136868SLC31A1chr9:113221562-113264492:+  0    0.15    0    1  
ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 7ENSG00000064687ABCA7chr19:1040101-1065572:+  0    0.15    0    1  
LHFPL tetraspan subfamily member 2ENSG00000145685LHFPL2chr5:78485215-78770021:-  0    0.15    0    1  
protocadherin 1ENSG00000156453PCDH1chr5:141853111-141879246:-  0    0.15    0    1  

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