Copy Number


The putative cancer-associated GESPs driven by SCNAs in each cancer type were identified by four criteria: 1) located in a peak region of a significantly recurrent focal SNCA locus estimated by the genomic identification of significant targets in cancer (GISTIC2) algorithm, (q≤0.25); 2) altered with high frequency and large amplitude (G-score ≥0.1); 3) mRNA reliably detected in at least 10% of tumor specimens in the given cancer type (90th percentile of FPKM value ≥1); and 4) mRNA significantly and positively correlated with copy numbers (Pearson P-value less than 0.001).


Pan-cancer level overall G-score of GESPs that recurrently gained or lost copy number in at least one cancer types

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Overall_Gscore No. of Cancer Types
 HGNC Name  Ensembl Gene ID  HGNC Symbol  Genomic Location  Amplification  Deletion  Amplification  Deletion 
protocadherin beta 6ENSG00000113211PCDHB6chr5:141150022-141153287:+  0.29    0.14    1    1  
protocadherin beta 7ENSG00000113212PCDHB7chr5:141172619-141176383:+  0.29    0.14    1    1  
protocadherin beta 8ENSG00000120322PCDHB8chr5:141177790-141180529:+  0.29    0.14    1    1  
protocadherin beta 16ENSG00000272674PCDHB16chr5:141181399-141186399:+  0.29    0.14    1    1  
catenin alpha 1ENSG00000044115CTNNA1chr5:138610967-138935034:+  0.29    0.13    1    1  
solute carrier family 23 member 1ENSG00000170482SLC23A1chr5:139367196-139384553:-  0.29    0    1    0  
syndecan 1ENSG00000115884SDC1chr2:20200797-20225433:-  0.29    0.15    2    1  
syndecan binding protein 2ENSG00000125775SDCBP2chr20:1309909-1329239:-  0.29    0    1    0  
solute carrier family 7 member 4ENSG00000099960SLC7A4chr22:21028718-21032840:-  0.29    0    1    0  
Bardet-Biedl syndrome 1ENSG00000174483BBS1chr11:66510606-66533627:+  0.29    0    1    0  
fibroblast growth factor receptor 2ENSG00000066468FGFR2chr10:121478334-121598458:-  0.29    0.19    1    1  
potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily M regulatory beta subunit 4ENSG00000135643KCNMB4chr12:70366276-70434292:+  0.28    0    1    0  
neuropeptide Y receptor Y6 (pseudogene)ENSG00000226306NPY6Rchr5:137801193-137810751:+  0.28    0    1    0  
low density lipoprotein receptor class A domain containing 3ENSG00000179241LDLRAD3chr11:35943981-36232136:+  0.28    0    2    0  
CDC42 small effector 2ENSG00000158985CDC42SE2chr5:131245493-131398447:+  0.28    0.11    1    1  
solute carrier family 22 member 5ENSG00000197375SLC22A5chr5:132369752-132395614:+  0.28    0.1    1    1  
solute carrier family 22 member 4ENSG00000197208SLC22A4chr5:132294443-132344206:+  0.28    0    1    0  
ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 2ENSG00000107331ABCA2chr9:137007227-137028922:-  0.28    0.52    2    3  
thioredoxin domain containing 15ENSG00000113621TXNDC15chr5:134873803-134901525:+  0.28    0    1    0  
solute carrier family 22 member 17ENSG00000092096SLC22A17chr14:23346306-23352912:-  0.28    0    1    0  

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