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      Official symbol:  SLC8A1
      Full name:  solute carrier family 8 member A1
      Location:  2p22.1
      Also known as:  NCX1
      Entrez ID:  6546
      Ensembl ID:  ENSG00000183023
      Summary:  In cardiac myocytes, Ca(2+) concentrations alternate between high levels during contraction and low levels during relaxation. The increase in Ca(2+) concentration during contraction is primarily due to release of Ca(2+) from intracellular stores. However, some Ca(2+) also enters the cell through the sarcolemma (plasma membrane). During relaxation, Ca(2+) is sequestered within the intracellular stores. To prevent overloading of intracellular stores, the Ca(2+) that entered across the sarcolemma must be extruded from the cell. The Na(+)-Ca(2+) exchanger is the primary mechanism by which the Ca(2+) is extruded from the cell during relaxation. In the heart, the exchanger may play a key role in digitalis action. The exchanger is the dominant mechanism in returning the cardiac myocyte to its resting state following excitation.[supplied by OMIM, Apr 2004]


  Overall distribution
  Tissue specific distribution

  Overall distribution
  Tissue specific distribution
Gscore (Amp):  0.00  
Gscore (Del):  0.00  

  Overall distribution
  Tissue specific distribution
Mscore:  0.00  

  Tissue specific
Total fusion occurrence:  4  
Fusions detected in 3 cancer type(s)

  Tissue specific

      Functional class:  Transporter
      JensenLab PubMed score:  349.13  (Percentile rank: 87.75%)
      PubTator score:  621.68  (Percentile rank: 94.63%)
      Target development/druggability level:  TchemThese targets have activities in ChEMBL or DrugCentral that satisfy the activity thresholds detailed below.
      Tractability (small molecule):  N/A
      Tractability (antibody):  Predicted Tractable - High confidenceTargets located in the plasma membrane; Targets with GO cell component terms plasma membrane or secreted


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