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      Official symbol:  CD160
      Full name:  CD160 molecule
      Location:  1q21.1
      Also known as:  NK28, NK1, BY55
      Entrez ID:  11126
      Ensembl ID:  ENSG00000117281
      Summary:  CD160 is an 27 kDa glycoprotein which was initially identified with the monoclonal antibody BY55. Its expression is tightly associated with peripheral blood NK cells and CD8 T lymphocytes with cytolytic effector activity. The cDNA sequence of CD160 predicts a cysteine-rich, glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein of 181 amino acids with a single Ig-like domain weakly homologous to KIR2DL4 molecule. CD160 is expressed at the cell surface as a tightly disulfide-linked multimer. RNA blot analysis revealed CD160 mRNAs of 1.5 and 1.6 kb whose expression was highly restricted to circulating NK and T cells, spleen and small intestine. Within NK cells CD160 is expressed by CD56dimCD16+ cells whereas among circulating T cells its expression is mainly restricted to TCRgd bearing cells and to TCRab+CD8brightCD95+CD56+CD28-CD27-cells. In tissues, CD160 is expressed on all intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes. CD160 shows a broad specificity for binding to both classical and nonclassical MHC class I molecules. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]


  Overall distribution
  Tissue specific distribution

  Overall distribution
  Tissue specific distribution
Gscore (Amp):  0.00  
Gscore (Del):  0.00  

  Overall distribution
  Tissue specific distribution
Mscore:  0.00  

  Tissue specific
Total fusion occurrence:  0  

  Tissue specific

      Functional class:  Not specified
      JensenLab PubMed score:  55.10  (Percentile rank: 63.96%)
      PubTator score:  49.86  (Percentile rank: 67.78%)
      Target development/druggability level:  TbioThese targets do not have known drug or small molecule activities that satisfy the activity thresholds detailed below AND satisfy one or more of the following criteria: 1) target is above the cutoff criteria for Tdark; 2) target is annotated with a Gene Ontology Molecular Function or Biological Process leaf term(s) with an Experimental Evidence code.
      Tractability (small molecule):  N/A
      Tractability (antibody):  Predicted Tractable - High confidenceTargets located in the plasma membrane; Targets with GO cell component terms plasma membrane or secreted


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