Copy Number


The putative cancer-associated GESPs driven by SCNAs in each cancer type were identified by four criteria: 1) located in a peak region of a significantly recurrent focal SNCA locus estimated by the genomic identification of significant targets in cancer (GISTIC2) algorithm, (q≤0.25); 2) altered with high frequency and large amplitude (G-score ≥0.1); 3) mRNA reliably detected in at least 10% of tumor specimens in the given cancer type (90th percentile of FPKM value ≥1); and 4) mRNA significantly and positively correlated with copy numbers (Pearson P-value less than 0.001).


Pan-cancer level overall G-score of GESPs that recurrently gained or lost copy number in at least one cancer types

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Overall_Gscore No. of Cancer Types
 HGNC Name  Ensembl Gene ID  HGNC Symbol  Genomic Location  Amplification  Deletion  Amplification  Deletion 
leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 1ENSG00000128011LRFN1chr19:39306568-39315336:-  0.78    0    1    0  
semaphorin 4BENSG00000185033SEMA4Bchr15:90160604-90229679:+  0.77    0    4    0  
LDL receptor related protein 5ENSG00000162337LRP5chr11:68312609-68449275:+  0.77    0    1    0  
prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit betaENSG00000185624P4HBchr17:81843159-81860694:-  0.77    0    4    0  
chromosome 11 open reading frame 24ENSG00000171067C11orf24chr11:68261335-68272001:-  0.76    0.1    1    1  
hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide gated potassium channel 3ENSG00000143630HCN3chr1:155277583-155289848:+  0.76    0    4    0  
delta like canonical Notch ligand 3ENSG00000090932DLL3chr19:39498895-39508481:+  0.76    0.11    1    1  
IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 1ENSG00000140575IQGAP1chr15:90388218-90502243:+  0.76    0    4    0  
calcium and integrin binding 1ENSG00000185043CIB1chr15:90229975-90234047:-  0.75    0    4    0  
activity regulated cytoskeleton associated proteinENSG00000198576ARCchr8:142611044-142614472:-  0.74    0    2    0  
adhesion G protein-coupled receptor B1ENSG00000181790ADGRB1chr8:142449430-142545009:+  0.74    0    2    0  
transmembrane protein 123ENSG00000152558TMEM123chr11:102396332-102470384:-  0.73    0    3    0  
calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 CENSG00000151067CACNA1Cchr12:1970786-2697950:+  0.73    0    2    0  
steroid 5 alpha-reductase 3ENSG00000128039SRD5A3chr4:55346109-55373096:+  0.73    0    3    0  
solute carrier family 45 member 4ENSG00000022567SLC45A4chr8:141207166-141308305:-  0.72    0    2    0  
clathrin heavy chainENSG00000141367CLTCchr17:59619689-59696956:+  0.72    0.13    4    1  
FCH and double SH3 domains 2ENSG00000137478FCHSD2chr11:72836745-73142261:-  0.72    0.1    1    1  
jagged canonical Notch ligand 2ENSG00000184916JAG2chr14:105140981-105168824:-  0.7    0    3    0  
furin, paired basic amino acid cleaving enzymeENSG00000140564FURINchr15:90868592-90883458:+  0.7    0    4    0  
SLC9A3 regulator 1ENSG00000109062SLC9A3R1chr17:74748652-74769353:+  0.69    0    3    0  

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